Two Yellow Emoji on Yellow Case
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Eudaimonia. Pursuit of Happiness.

When you hear the phrase ‘pursuit of happiness’, what images does it invoke?  The framers of the constitution modeled this phrase after the Greek word eudaimonia literally translated as the state of a ‘good spirit’. A more Platonian description of the word can be summarized as ‘a state of well-being and flourishing that results from…

Reflection Of Finger In A Mirror

Framing: Self Attractiveness

Exercise: ex-er-cise, noun.  “a process or activity carried out for a specific purpose, especially one concerned with a specified area or skill.”   A good friend once said the teacher is one chapter ahead of the student. What an awesome encouragement to share with others what you are learning as you are learning it! Here is…

Stranger Things Letter Tiles

Framing: Words Internal Matter.

The perspective you have will either limit or maximize the impact you will have on your world. The words you use internally to describe a person, place, event, situation, or yourself matter immensely. Moving forward requires a constant check in with the language we are using inside. Language that if you are not careful contain…

Full body of young man in sneakers and jeans pushing and falling boxes saying Work Problems Anxiety Stress and Deadline while fighting with problems

Over Respond to Your Overreactions

“You can’t evolve unless you change.” – Thomas J. Leonard Social conditioning has stunted your growth. All of us have learned in some way shape or form to stifle our responses in order to be “in control”, “civil”, or “courteous”. By doing so, you have trained your mind and body to disconnect from each other….