You Measure What You Treasure

I was reminded this morning of a simple yet profound truth: You manage what you measure and you measure what you treasure. In his teachings, Jesus counseled “Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.”

If you are feeling “stuck” somewhere in your life, ask yourself this one question. Is what I treasure keeping me stuck?

Moving forward requires growth. To get unstuck, you must be willing to get uncomfortable, be curious, and go deep within yourself to discover the “treasures” that are keeping you in a holding pattern. 

  • Choose Your Discomfort. You’re already uncomfortable. That’s why you feel stuck. Letting go of a treasure that’s holding you back will not be any more uncomfortable than how you feel keeping it around.
  • Change Your Questions. You’ve built a narrative around the treasure that is keeping you from moving forward. Perhaps becoming numb to even questioning it. Try asking different questions, be more curious and less defensive or judgemental. 
  • Challenge Yourself Deeper. You’ve been conditioned to stay superficial. There are a lot of ways you can distract yourself from yourself. That simply does nothing to help you get unstuck. Keep digging deeper and expecting more from yourself. Question everything.

Your wellbeing starts and ends with you. As Marcus Aurelius wrote, “Remember that your own worth is measured by what you devote your energy to.”