Stop Maintaining and Start Creating

Vince Lombardi said “The joy is in creating – not maintaining.” Maintaining doesn’t promote growth. It promotes protective thinking. You may be feeling stuck because you have a focus on maintaining a lifestyle rather than creating a life. 

When you’re in maintenance mode, your attention restricts to what you’ve already created. You minimize risks to safeguard the things you already have in your possession. The only risk you are willing to take is that it can’t be better than what it is now.

When you’re in creating mode, your vision expands to see what can be. You test assumptions, weigh the risks, and take some sort of action. You see creating as a way to make what you already have better, and you know there may be times where what you have holds you back.

Life’s a journey, not a destination. When you flip into maintenance mode, it’s as if you think you’ve reached a destination. You haven’t. There is always more life for you to create, more of the journey you’re meant to experience. 

To experience moving forward, stop maintaining a safe life and start creating a full one. Take a few minutes today and write out a list of 10 things you want to create in and for your life. Now identify the thing(s) you are maintaining that is blocking you from creating the items on your list. 

What small change can you make today to stop maintaining and start creating?