A Close-Up Shot of Letter Dice

Positive Anticipation.

There is a phenomenon that happens when you truly believe something. John Maxwell calls it “positive anticipation”. You may not know where, when, or how an opportunity will present itself, but you are ready to see it when it comes. You have positive anticipation for it. 

Too often, you’re thinking small. Playing it safe. It’s a way to hedge your bets, limit your risks, and protect what you have. How is that mindset blinding you to the opportunities each day brings with it? When you think small, you act small. 

Nothing is guaranteed with one exception. If you hold yourself back, no one else will need to, and you’ll never reach your full potential. When you start from a belief that you need to protect rather than progress, you’ll only see threats. Opportunity will elude you leaving you with a handful of excuses and a negative outlook.

When you truly believe in yourself, your value, your calling, you begin to develop positive anticipation. You wake up everyday eager to seek out the opportunities. Positive anticipation fuels your intentions and widens your focus allowing you to see the opportunities previously hidden from your view.

To experience moving forward this week, what is one thing you’re trying to protect that is preventing you from progressing forward? Where is the area you know you’re playing small? Question the belief behind that perspective. Are you anticipating today’s opportunities or participating in yesterday’s limiting beliefs?