Close Up Shot of an Hourglass

Make the Time.

Interesting stats around how you spend your time from Alarming Average Screen Time Statistics (2024):

  • The average American spends 7 hours and 3 minutes looking at screens daily.
  • On average, you spend 42% of your waking hours looking at a screen.
  • Average amount of time spent on social media is 2 hours and 14 minutes.
  • 41% of adults in the US admit that managing screen time is a challenge.

You can’t make time, but you can make the time. Go analog to help you better make the time you are given each day. Try these on for size and see how you feel after a week.

  • Use a good old fashioned alarm clock, not your phone. 
  • Read a book before bed. Read a book in the morning.
  • Get up and take a walk every 50 minutes.
  • Journal your thoughts instead of scrolling social media.
  • Go outside more often and more frequently.
  • Meditate throughout the day.

How you make use of your time will determine how fast you will (or won’t) move forward. The average American will spend 18 years of their life online by the time they are 80 (source). The time you have is the only time you have.

Experience moving forward by throwing the excuse of “got no time” out the window. You have the time. Now make better use of it.