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You’ve heard that before. Now here is a different take on it. Are you asking questions about yourself that feel like you are truly interested in the answer? 

In the Humble Inquiry, Edgar Schein defines humble inquiry as “the fine art of drawing someone out, of asking questions to which you do not already know the answer, of building a relationship based on curiosity and interest in the other person.” Let’s strip away the last 4 words and apply this definition to ourselves. Are you genuinely curious and interested in knowing yourself more deeply, more freely?

If you show yourself that you are interested in you, magic happens and you become interesting to yourself. It’s a glorious feeling! And the beauty of it all is that when you become interested in yourself, you naturally become interested in other people making you very interesting and attractive to them.

Couple of things you may need to rewire due to social conditioning: A. It is okay to admit you have some areas of you that you fully don’t understand and B. It is okay to spend time digging into these areas and asking yourself a lot of genuinely curious questions. 

Good things are yet to be discovered with the right question.