Inspiring Interruptions
The weather in Northeast Ohio has been exceptional the past several weeks. Clear, sunny skies, warm 75-85 degree days. It’s been incredible. It also ended today. Gray skies and rain signal the coming change in weather towards cooler, duller days ahead. The weather has interrupted my routine.
When was the last time you felt an interruption to your routine? Interruptions carry with them the opportunity to become inspired. They have a potential to break you out of a stale habit or thought process thrusting you into change. And all change brings opportunity if you are sensitive to them.
Defined as the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative, inspiration is the fuel for change. When you open yourself up to being fully in the present, especially when you are interrupted, new possibilities come to light. Possibilities that may just inspire you to change up a dull ritual, modify a less than desirable pattern, or refocus on work or effort that is more useful.
Forty-five percent or more of your waking day is spent in habitual behavior that requires very little of your conscious mind. Interruptions, when embraced fully, snaps these habits of behavior into focus allowing you to cognitively interact with them. Is this habit serving me or has it run its course? Does this ritual actually help me or is it just something that is comfortable? Do I do this because it keeps me on track or am I hiding from something?
Look at interruptions differently today. Look for inspiration in the interruption. Before you know it you’ll be aspiring to find interruptions in all areas of your life, seeking the inspiration you know they will provide.
Interruptions are not an obstacle to moving forward. Interruptions disrupt the parts of life that have grown stale or unuseful. And that will help you move forward.