Inspiration + Application = Motivation
In his book, Leadershift, John Maxwell writes the following insight about his early speaking career: “…there was a lot of inspiration but not a lot of application.” This In his book, Leadershift, John Maxwell writes the following insight about his early speaking career: “…there was a lot of inspiration but not a lot of application.” This sentence hit home. It touched something inside, pulling toward an Aha! moment. Inspiration without application is as useful as a spark with no fuel.
Why does something inspire you? Why does it fill you with a sense of awe, wonder, and urgency? When something inspires you, for the briefest of moments, it seems possible or necessary to do or become something different. Like the spark inside a gas engine, true inspiration can only start the change engine when you fuel it through application.
To experience moving forward, you need to link inspiration to application. Here are 5 steps to help you A.P.P.L.Y. what inspires you.
- Act on it: Simple first step, define the action you’re going to take.
- Promote the action: Be vocal and public to someone about the action.
- Pace the action: The action needs to be appropriate and sustainable.
- Live the action: Integrate the action with your life.
- Yield to insights from the action: Modify the action as you learn.
If you have a cycle of inspiration followed by short term motivation (repeat), it’s because you’re skipping the most important step. Don’t let your limiting beliefs, lack of confidence, or other people’s opinions keep you from moving forward.
Get inspired.
Lean into it.
Apply the change.
Discover your “forward”.
You’ll be glad you did.