Reflection Of Finger In A Mirror

Exercise: ex-er-cise, noun.  “a process or activity carried out for a specific purpose, especially one concerned with a specified area or skill.”  

A good friend once said the teacher is one chapter ahead of the student. What an awesome encouragement to share with others what you are learning as you are learning it! Here is the question I am wrestling with today: How attractive am I to myself?

Or said another way, what am I doing in life that is unattractive to me?

Moving forward faster is much easier when you shed the things in your life that YOU find unattractive. To start becoming sensitive to these areas, here is an exercise adapted from The Portable Coach

  1. Brainstorm responses to the following question: What am I doing in my life that’s unattractive to me? Write these out. Do it fearlessly.
  2. Think deeply on what you might be doing in life to compensate for doing those things you find unattractive. Map them to the list you just made. Do it honestly.

What did you learn? What things are you doing in life you find unattractive that can be given up right now, today? How would this free you up to life more fully into who you are learning yourself to be?

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