Find Your Forward, Then Step Toward It
I recently read the following from Larry Stockstill: “I live on the other side of ‘yes’.” I love the use of the phrase “other side.”
Someone close to me uses the same phrase when confronted with a task, situation, or event she is not looking forward to saying “I just want to be on the other side of this.”
Earlier this week my coach encouraged me to find my motivation in the gain, not the pain. He said “set your sights on the other side (gain) of all the sticky stuff (pain) it takes to get there.”
Message received: To get to the other side of something, I gotta step out and toward it. Part of the experience is the experience of getting there.
Where are you blocked because of the idea of the sticky stuff? Sticky stuff like: I’m not ready, I don’t know enough, I don’t know what I’m doing, it’s not perfect, I’m not perfect, I’m scared of rejection, I’ll be judged, I’m not an expert, I don’t have all the answers, etc. You know, the stuff that if you’re not careful, blocks you from even getting started.
To experience moving forward, take a step toward whatever is the “other side” for you. Don’t focus on all that sticky stuff, focus on the gain you’ll receive once you’re on the other side of it. Just take a step, then take another one.
Find your forward, then step towards it.