Close Up Photo of Hanging Woven Dreamcatcher

Have you ever had that dream where the next morning you’re like I wish I could remember that dream? And as the day goes on the details you do remember seem to fade away?

Dreams are elusive as the details behind them are foggy. Just beyond your cognitive reach. The only way to grab hold of them is to write them down.

The same is true for the dreams or ambitions you have in life. If you haven’t written them down in as much detail as possible they seem to always be just beyond your grasp. 

Moving forward with purpose requires you to be crystal clear where you need to be going. The dreams you have for your future set that destination and connecting your energy and your work to your dreams in as much detail as possible will help you reach them.

So grab a pen and paper and tell yourself where you will be in 10 years. Where are you living? What are you driving? Who are you around? What have your life experiences been? Be as descriptive as possible. 

Now ask yourself, is what I am doing today moving me toward my dream?