Grayscale Photo of Man Thinking in Front of Analog Wall Clock

Thinking does not require doing. But doing always involves thinking. You’ve probably said to yourself “What was I thinking?!” and it was probably in reaction to something you said or did. The problem is many times you don’t think before you say or do things. Not consciously or concretely. 

Thinking is an expensive effort and sometimes when your energy is running low, your time is being abused, or your expectations are being trampled you simply don’t want to think, just react. So you do. Only to ask yourself those dreaded questions over and over again. Why did I just do / say that? What was I thinking?

As the question suggests, it all starts with your thinking. Not just the thoughts occurring around the event, but the thoughts that occur throughout your day, your life. The ones you wake up with. The ones you hardly ever consciously interact with (most dangerous). The ones you’ve heard all your life. The ones you heard just before you say or do anything. As the title to this article suggests you control your thinking and as a consequence, you control your doing. Nothing you say or do is as a result of anyone else but you.

So change it up. Instead of thinking “Why did I say that?” (reactive), start asking yourself “Why would I say that?” (proactive) before you say anything. “Why would I do that?” versus “Why did I do that?” The only thing you control is what you are thinking, saying, or doing.

Moving forward faster starts with learning control.  Control your thinking (always) to control your doing.