Construction site with a 'Slow Down' sign amid scaffolding in Kuwait.

Pause, Pace, Patience

I found an index card I had written three words on: Pause, Pace, Patience. The word “patience” is written larger and the words are stacked vertically with the letters “Pa” underlined in all three words. I have no idea when I wrote it, why I wrote it, or why I underlined the letters. Sometimes, you’re…

Stop Maintaining and Start Creating

Stop Maintaining and Start Creating

Vince Lombardi said “The joy is in creating – not maintaining.” Maintaining doesn’t promote growth. It promotes protective thinking. You may be feeling stuck because you have a focus on maintaining a lifestyle rather than creating a life.  When you’re in maintenance mode, your attention restricts to what you’ve already created. You minimize risks to safeguard…

You Measure What You Treasure

You Measure What You Treasure

I was reminded this morning of a simple yet profound truth: You manage what you measure and you measure what you treasure. In his teachings, Jesus counseled “Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.” If you are feeling “stuck” somewhere in your life, ask yourself this one question. Is what I treasure keeping…

From above anonymous person in sneakers walking on asphalt path on city street

Believe in Yourself

This morning I was assigned station number six at the polls. It caught my attention because the number six has been my favorite number ever since childhood. Generally speaking, I’ve experienced positive things when the number six is involved. It’s become my lucky number. During my reading time a little bit later, I read the…

A Close-Up Shot of Letter Dice

Positive Anticipation.

There is a phenomenon that happens when you truly believe something. John Maxwell calls it “positive anticipation”. You may not know where, when, or how an opportunity will present itself, but you are ready to see it when it comes. You have positive anticipation for it.  Too often, you’re thinking small. Playing it safe. It’s…