MVG FWD Through Busyness

MVG FWD Through Busyness

There are seasons in life when the to-do list feels endless, and every moment seems accounted for before it even arrives. You’ve been there—juggling work responsibilities, family obligations, personal goals, and unexpected challenges that demand your attention. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed, but even in the busiest times, there are ways to keep moving forward…

MVG FWD Through Valleys

MVG FWD Through Valleys

If you’ve ever climbed a mountain, once you get above the treeline you notice how few things grow at the top of a mountain. All growth happens in the valley. No matter how old you are or how successful you are, you will encounter valleys that are tougher than others, and it’s in these valleys you have…

The “L” in Failure

The “L” in Failure

Thomas Edison claimed he didn’t fail before inventing the light bulb, he learned a thousand ways that didn’t work. Business leaders who used to say “failure is not an option” now encourage their teams to “fail fast.” The “L” in Failure stands for lesson, and there is a lesson in the middle of every failure.  Your…

Quiet Courage

Quiet Courage

C.S. Lewis said that courage is the only virtue that all other virtues rely on when at the testing point. John Maxwell defined courage as “moving forward in the face of fear.”  Here is something Mary Anne Radmacher said and I believe speaks to the core mindset required to experience moving forward: Courage doesn’t always roar….