Looking for when “fulfillment” starts

The secret to living a full and fulfilled life is to prioritize you. That’s right. You. You have a unique set of perspectives, experiences, and gifts that make you a singularly unique person. There has never been anyone like you and there will never be another you. Do you believe that? 

When it comes to living a fulfilled life, you seem to always keep looking for it in the future. Fulfillment seems to be something you get when  <fill in the blank> (you retire, you reach financial independence, your kids are grown, you can buy that thing, etc). Does this sound familiar?

As a coach, I do, and I want to help you go deeper to get more confident in the mission that moves you. To coach you in the art and daily ritual of a moving forward mindset. One that continually helps you reframe your perspectives and orient yourself toward the life you were meant to lead, the impact you are designed to have, and to receive the fulfillment your soul is longing for.

It is never too late to courageously pursue the one passion that can move you forward and help the world to move forward a little bit as well. There are so many external forces and factors that play too loud a role in your motivation, your values, your gifts, your framing, your work, and your dreams. 

When you can quiet these voices and concentrate on the one in your head, amazing things will happen. The traction you will gain simply by continually checking in with yourself and making the necessary changes in your life to live the life you want to live will propel you faster, further, and with more fulfillment than your wildest imagination.

I want that for you and I am here to help you whether it’s to get started, to get re-energized, to deal with a current change, or to really lean in and take it to the next level. Let’s connect and find out the next step together!

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The moving forward reframe-work