Gray Elephant Figurine

“The biggest differences emerge from making a lot of little differences.” ~ Thomas J. Leonard

Personal awareness, growth, and transformation is not something that happens all at once. The fact is you will spend the rest of your life on this journey, there is that much to discover. It’s one of the few glories of the human experience, life is never dull. 

When you go all in discovering who you are and why you are here, you’re choosing to go on a more exciting odyssey than Odysseus. Everyday you will discover the opportunities occuring in the present moment. You will no longer be seduced by a future ‘you’ and become obsessed with a now ‘you’. 

Marcus Aurelius reminds us in his Meditations to have “constant awareness that everything is born from change.” While you already have a unique design, the process of discovering and delighting in that design is a never ending, wonderful process of finding the small things preventing you from fully living into it. Things that you can change right now, today.

In order to go big on who you are, make it a habit to go small in responding to all the little occurrences you are experiencing in the present moment. Henry Ford once said “you can’t build a reputation on what you are going to do.”

Neither can you truly know yourself if you aren’t willing to change things preventing you from being who you are designed to be. God is in the details. Being sensitive to them will help you go small to go big.