Stranger Things Letter Tiles

The perspective you have will either limit or maximize the impact you will have on your world. The words you use internally to describe a person, place, event, situation, or yourself matter immensely. Moving forward requires a constant check in with the language we are using inside. Language that if you are not careful contain words that are simply not helpful.

A great little exercise or tool to help you understand the words that you use internally to frame things is to ask yourself the following question: What words or phrases do I say to myself often? Be careful not to slip into judgment mode here. Take full advantage of a reactive free brainstorming session and write down whatever comes to mind. 

Now, go back over the words and phrases you wrote down, and use one word descriptions for what emotion(s) they invoke in you after reading them outloud. Take the necessary time to fully appreciate those feeling descriptors and try to place yourself in the moment when you are most likely to use the word or phrase.

What insights were you given after doing this digging? Here’s one I received this morning I will spend the rest of the day meditating on: My pattern is to accept my internal judgment around things rather than to advocate for changes in my life. 

What about you? What words make up the story you tell yourself? Find replacement ones for any that are not helpful in moving your forward, faster.

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