Flat Lay Photography of Unfold Book Beside Macbook

When was the last time you created space for yourself? Not just “finding time” in your day, but really created space in your daily rhythm reserved for just you. The simple fact is if you do not honor yourself and your space, then your time will be consumed by projects, people, and pastimes that, if you’re fully honest with yourself, do not move you forward.

Steven Wright said “You can’t have everything. Where would you put it?”  That’s a good way of reframing how you manage the space you have in your life. Where are you putting all these projects, people, or pastimes in your day? Does it leave enough space for you? Thomas J. Leonard says there is PLENTY of time, but only if you create enough space.

If that doesn’t hit you between the eyes, consider this by Marcus Aurelius, “Remembering our own worth is measured by what we devote our energy to.” What value or worth do you have for yourself?

How much space do you devote to better understanding yourself and fully appreciating what moving forward looks like for you?