Your Fault Vault

Your Fault Vault

James Allen posits that “[Human beings] are anxious to improve their circumstances, but are unwilling to improve themselves; they therefore remain bound.” Proverbs 28:13 councils that if you hide your shortcomings, you’ll not prosper. I think there is a direct link between the two ideas: When you lock your faults in a vault, you never…

Nature, Nurture, Notion

Nature, Nurture, Notion

The more research I conduct into human physiology and psychology, the more convinced I am of the following statement: You are the only version of you that has ever existed and will ever exist. An exact combination of nature, nurture, and notion that will never be repeated again. Ever. It is because of your uniqueness you have…

Role Retrospective

Role Retrospective

To experience moving forward toward the life you were meant to live is to use your lived experiences to continually triangulate on who you are and why you are here. Your past is riddled with clues as to your design and the roles you are meant to play to leave a positive impact on the…

Good, Love, Best

Good, Love, Best

Sometimes you hear or read something and it just hits something inside. Like this quote from Karen Lamb: “A year from now, you’ll wish you started today.” You know how that feels, don’t you? You’ve been there before, perhaps you’re there today.  The only way to make an omelet is to break a few eggs, so today…

MVG FWD Begins With Leadership

MVG FWD Begins With Leadership

“The toughest person to lead is always yourself.” ~ John C. Maxwell “You never graduate from the school of self-awareness.” ~ Steve Cochram Leadership isn’t just about guiding others. It begins with leading yourself. To lead yourself, you must know yourself. Embracing (holding close) and endorsing (approving publicly) who you are; your uniqueness. Leading yourself…

MVG FWD Through Busyness

MVG FWD Through Busyness

There are seasons in life when the to-do list feels endless, and every moment seems accounted for before it even arrives. You’ve been there—juggling work responsibilities, family obligations, personal goals, and unexpected challenges that demand your attention. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed, but even in the busiest times, there are ways to keep moving forward…